podcast episodes

  • Steadfastness in a West Bank Village

    Last season, Elisheva Goldberg took us on a trip to Umm al Khair, a village in the West Bank carrying on the legacy of the late peace activist Hajj Suleiman. […]

  • Vivian Silver’s Legacy: From Grief to Action

    On October 7th, Vivan Silver, a lifetime peace activist with Women Wage Peace, AJEEC-NISPED, Road to Recovery, and many more, was murdered in Kibbutz Be’eri. This week, we’re talking to […]

  • The Educational Divide

    In Israel today, there are only nine bilingual schools. These are schools where Palestinian and Jewish Israeli kids learn alongside one another and lessons are taught in both Hebrew and […]

  • We’re back

    We’re back with season 3 of Groundwork, a podcast about activists on the ground working to end the occupation, stop this endless bloodshed, and demand justice, peace, and equality for […]

  • Ground Report: Sally Abed

    We just finished season two. But before we sign off fully, we wanted to give you a special episode. We’re turning the mic around! Groundwork creator and producer Yoshi Fields […]

  • Two States, One Homeland

    In Israel-Palestine today, many people feel trapped in century-long circle of violence. The closest breakthrough came thirty years ago in 1993, with the Oslo Accords. In this week’s episode, we […]

  • Ground Report: Yara Amayra

    We’re back with our one-on-one series, Ground Report, where we sit down with an activist to have a conversation about who they are, what motivates them, and what kind of […]

  • A Crisis that Unites Us

    Dr. Tareq Abu Hamed is a Palestinian environmental scientist from East Jerusalem, but he works at a Kibbutz near the southern tip of Israel, at the Arava Institute for Environmental […]

  • Ground Report: Mikhael Manekin

    We’re back with our one-on-one series, Ground Report, where we sit down with an activist to have a conversation about who they are, what motivates them, and what kind of […]

  • Echoes of Home

    Our story follows Wasim Almasri, a Palestinian refugee, in his search for belonging in an imperfect homeland. As he attempts to navigate the complexities and multitudes within his own Palestinian […]